iHomeEducator, Inc.


Monday, September 20, 2010

demo: iLiveMath Test Results

iLiveMath Results: Level 2

Number of Questions: 12

Correctly Answered: 0
Incorrectly Answered: 0
Unanswered: 12

Correct: 0%
Incorrect: 0%
Unanswered: 100%

Question 1:
The apiologist has a collection of 25 bees and 13 were donated to another laboratory. How many bees remain in the collection?

25 - 13 = 12 bees

Question 2:
The entomologist counted 26 beetles and each had six legs. How many total legs are counted?

26 x 6 = 156 beetles legs

Question 3:
The spider (an Arachnid) has 8 legs. If there are 13 tarantulas, how many total legs are there?

13 x 8 = 104 legs

Question 4:
If an entomologist captures butterflies and studies 52 compound eyes and there are 2 eyes per insect, how many total butterflies are studied?

52 / 2 = 26 butterflies

Question 5:
The spider (an Arachnid) has 8 legs. If there are 4 tarantulas, how many total legs are there?

4 x 8 = 32 legs

Question 6:
If a beehive produces 1 kg of honey per day, how many kg are produced in 23 days?

total kg = 1 kg/hive x 23 days = 23 kg

Question 7:
The entomologist counted 21 honeybees and each had six legs. How many total legs are counted?

21 x 6 = 126 honeybees legs

Question 8:
The coleopterist has a collection of 18 ladybugs and captured 17 more specimens. How many ladybugs are in the collection?

18 + 17 = 35 ladybugs

Question 9:
The spider (an Arachnid) has 8 legs. If there are 26 Harvestmen, how many total legs are there?

26 x 8 = 208 legs

Question 10:
The entomologist counted 6 butterflies and each had six legs. How many total legs are counted?

6 x 6 = 36 butterflies legs

Question 11:
If an entomologist captures ladybugs and studies 26 compound eyes and there are 2 eyes per insect, how many total ladybugs are studied?

26 / 2 = 13 ladybugs

Question 12:
The lepidopterist has a collection of 26 tiger butterflies and 13 were given to another collector. How many tiger butterflies remain in the collection?

26 - 13 = 13 tiger butterflies

(c) 2010 iHomeEducator

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