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Sunday, April 15, 2012

Audrey 1st grade: iLiveMath Test Results

iLiveMath Results: Level 1

Number of Questions: 12

Correctly Answered: 9
Incorrectly Answered: 2
Unanswered: 1

Correct: 75%
Incorrect: 17%
Unanswered: 8%

Question 1:
The apiologist has a collection of 13 bumblebees and 11 were given to a science center. How many bumblebees remain in the collection?

13 - 11 = 2 bumblebees
Correct Answer: 2

Question 2:
The lepidopterist has a collection of 13 Spangled fritillary and 4 were given to a science center. How many Spangled fritillary remain in the collection?

13 - 4 = 9 Spangled fritillary
Incorrect Answer: 14
Correct Answer: 9

Question 3:
The lepidopterist has a collection of 14 Spangled fritillary and 10 were donated to a museum. How many Spangled fritillary remain in the collection?

14 - 10 = 4 Spangled fritillary
Correct Answer: 4

Question 4:
The apiologist has a collection of 13 bees and 10 were given to another collector. How many bees remain in the collection?

13 - 10 = 3 bees
Correct Answer: 3

Question 5:
The odonatologist has a collection of 2 dragonflies and captured 7 more specimens. How many dragonflies are in the collection?

2 + 7 = 9 dragonflies
Correct Answer: 9

Question 6:
The apiologist has a collection of 4 bees and captured 6 more specimens. How many bees are in the collection?

4 + 6 = 10 bees
Correct Answer: 10

Question 7:
The lepidopterist has a collection of 7 Monarch Butterflies and captured 9 more specimens. How many Monarch Butterflies are in the collection?

7 + 9 = 16 Monarch Butterflies
Incorrect Answer: 15
Correct Answer: 16

Question 8:
The coleopterist has a collection of 2 Asian longhorn beetles and captured 6 more specimens. How many Asian longhorn beetles are in the collection?

2 + 6 = 8 Asian longhorn beetles
Correct Answer: 8

Question 9:
The coleopterist has a collection of 10 Hercules beetles and captured 3 more specimens. How many Hercules beetles are in the collection?

10 + 3 = 13 Hercules beetles
Correct Answer: 13

Question 10:
The arachnologist has a collection of 10 tarantulas and 2 were given to another collector. How many tarantulas remain in the collection?

10 - 2 = 8 tarantulas
Correct Answer: 8

Question 11:
The arachnologist has a collection of 6 spinybacked orbweavers and captured 3 more specimens. How many spinybacked orbweavers are in the collection?

6 + 3 = 9 spinybacked orbweavers
Correct Answer: 9

Question 12:
The apiologist has a collection of 7 bees and captured 8 more specimens. How many bees are in the collection?

7 + 8 = 15 bees

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